Vigil Mass in Riverstown – 8pm on 4th July 2020
Sunday Mass in Sooey – 11am on 5th July 2020
Ensuring Your Participation
Holy Mass in Riverstown
Every Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday 8pm
Holy Mass in Sooey
Every Wednesday, Friday and Sunday
Entry To The Church For Mass
- Entry only through the Main door at the back of the
- Sanitize your hands as you come
- You could drop your Sunday Envelopes/Cash Offerings into the Donation Box kept at the entrance.
- Signage in place reminding you of Physical distancing and Ushers/Stewards will welcome you
Inside The Church
- Two out of every three rows cordoned off for maintaining safe
- Ushers/ Stewards will direct you to your seat, and your kind co-operation in this regard will be highly
- Members of one household can sit together in a pew/seat. If from different families, ushers will help you have your seat following the current guidelines.
- Special seats are allotted for people with a physical disability (accompanied by a carer or support person).
Holy Communion
- Receive communion on the hand only.
- A small table will be appropriately positioned in front of the Altar for the Communion
- Stewards will help you to come forward to receive communion and to return to your seats maintaining safe
- A Eucharistic Minister will distribute communion at the main door for those who may be attending Mass sitting in their own cars on radio (see below)
After Mass
- All exit the Church through the side
- Stewards will help you to move out of the Church
- Sanitize your hands as you leave the Church.
Liturgical Guidelines
Sacristy: Only the Celebrant and the Sacristan are allowed in
Booking of Masses should be done by phone or email. It is also possible to come to the Parochial House in person if that’s more convenient to you maintaining physical social distancing guidelines.
Eucharistic Ministers and Readers maybe requested to help as ushers/stewards for the time being. But, one Eucharistic Minister could help out for the Communion Service at every Mass. The Presider will take care of the Readings for a few weeks.
Altar servers are suspended for the moment, and we will have them when it is safe to do so in the months ahead.
Musicians – A cantor and an instrumentalist could be in, to enhance the Liturgy.
Webcam And FM Radio
Some of our Parishioners who might need to stay at home will still have the possibility of viewing the Mass online ( for the time being from Sooey, each Sunday morning at 11am).
An option will be made available for you to sit in your own cars at the car park of our Churches and attend Mass by listening to it on your FM Radio, as our Churches can accommodate only around 35 to 40 people at the moment.
Volunteers Required For Stewarding And Cleaning
Those interested may contact Deacon Damien (Chairperson-PPC) : 086 854 4520, Hilary Murphy ( Secretary-PPC): 086 174 1524 or you could contact Fr. Yashin directly: 0894528630 /
A Rota then will be created and you will be updated with more details regarding your role.